Connecting Your Square Account
This page describes how to connect your Square account to your Fourth Wall Tickets Account.
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This page describes how to connect your Square account to your Fourth Wall Tickets Account.
Last updated
Connecting your Square account is a vital step to enable seamless transactions on Fourth Wall Tickets. Square serves as one of our trusted partners for processing payments, facilitating the transfer of your ticket revenue directly to you. Fortunately, the setup process is straightforward and can be completed in just a few quick steps.
Get Square and get paid!
While offering free event tickets is possible with any Fourth Wall Tickets account, linking a Square account is required for selling paid tickets. If you've never used Square, no worries! Square accounts are free and you can get one here.
To ensure smooth transactions on Fourth Wall Tickets, connecting your Square account is crucial. Here's a guide to get you started:
Ensure you have a Square account. Don't have one? Create a free Square account here.
From your Admin Dashboard Homepage, click the "Connect Square Account" button. or Navigate to Theatre > Theatre Details, and then click on "Connect Square Account" in the upper-right corner.
Enter your Square account credentials when prompted on the Square website. Once done, you will see a confirmation message on your Fourth Wall Tickets dashboard.
Your Square account is now linked and ready to accept payments inside your Fourth Wall Tickets account!
If you need to switch to a different Square account, follow the same steps mentioned above. After logging in with your new Square account, you'll be redirected back to your Fourth Wall Tickets dashboard with the new connection active.
To completely remove your Square account connection, simply contact our support team, and we'll assist in permanently disconnecting Square from your Fourth Wall Tickets account.
For questions about deleting your Square account entirely, please contact Square directly.
A linked Square account makes it even easier to sell tickets and get paid on Fourth Wall Tickets. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.