🏠Customizing Your Theatre Settings
This page describes how to customize your theatre details.
Customize Your Theatre
You can customize your theatre information, ticketing details, and how you collect and track patron information on the Edit Theatre page. Navigate to the Edit Theatre page by using the left navigation menu to expand Theatre, then click Theatre Details.
Name: The name of your organization. Used in the event URL.
Email: The email connected to your account.
Domain: The subdomain used in your events' URLs. The URL format for shows is https://theatrename.fourthwalltickets.com/shows/showname
Address: Physical address of your theatre.
Timezone: The timezone in which your theatre is located.
Logo: The logo is displayed in the upper-right of your Public page.
Hero Image: The large background image is displayed on your Public page.
Exclude Specific Dates for All Shows: Prevent shows from occurring on specific dates (i.e. no shows on January 1st). This is a global list that will override any evetns scheduled for dates listed here.
Global Show and Class Descriptions
This text is added below each respective description and on customer emails. It is ideal for refund information, parking info, or anything you'd want included in every show or class. You can input rich-formatted text and text formatting (bolding, lists, links, etc.).
Service Fees
How would you like service fees handled?
By default, fees are passed onto the customer. If the ticket price is $10, fees are $1.64, so the customer pays $11.64, and the theatre gets $10.
You also have the option to absorb the fees if you'd like. Absorbing means if the ticket price is $10, fees are $1.64, so the customer pays $10, and the theatre gets $8.36.
Pass Along to Customer: All fees are passed onto customer, and you get full ticket amount
Absorb All: Customer pays face-value of tickets, and fees are taken from ticket value
Absorb Shows: Fees are only absorbed for shows, class fees are passed to customer
Absorb Classes: Fees are only absorbed for classes, show fees are passed to customer
Purchase Window
Ticket Purchasing Window: By default, ticket sales will end at the start time of an event. Here you can specify how many minutes before the start of an event that ticket sales should close. Use negative numbers (i.e. -20) to close purchasing after the show has started.
Surcharges are applied to the ticket amount prior to donations or service fees. Surcharges are not added to free shows or classes.
Show Surcharge Amount
Type: Percent or Dollars.
Class Surcharge Amount
Type: Percent or Dollars
Additional Features
Collect Phone Numbers: Enable the ability to include phone numbers during the checkout flow.
Collect Donations: Enable or disable donations for customer checkout.
Collect Newsletter Opt-Ins: Enable the ability to allow customers to opt-in to newsletters during the checkout flow.
Custom Tracking Pixels
Add custom HTML to the header of your Public pages. It's great for adding tracking pixels from Google, Facebook, etc.
Last updated